
Initiatives for SDGs
Initiatives for SDGs
SDGs are "Sustainable Development Goals", which are international goals unanimously adopted by 193 member countries at the United Nations Summit in September 2015.
Consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets for a sustainable world, it is a universal goal that applies to all countries.
In order to achieve this, it is necessary for various actors such as governments, companies, and civil society to cooperate and utilize resources.
Click here for details >> [ Ministry of Foreign Affairs | What are SDGs? ] Https://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/oda/sdgs/about/index.html
Hara Trading will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and aim for a sustainable society.
In recent years, by breaking away from the "mass production / mass consumption / mass disposal" type economic society and promoting the efficient use and recycling of substances, resource consumption is curtailed and the "recycling type society" has less impact on the environment. There is an urgent need to form.
Hara Trading Co., Ltd. has one of its missions to "create environment-friendly resource saving and labor saving and contribute to the transformation to a resource-recycling society" in its management philosophy, aiming for a sustainable society. We are engaged in business activities.
The 17 goals of the SDGs include many fields related to sound material-cycle society. We are contributing to the achievement of SDGs through the sale and services of products necessary for toner cartridge regeneration.
The main goals of the SDGs that the original trade works on through products and services

Toner cartridges for laser printers used in offices are reused for the purpose of environmental protection and effective use of resources.
We sell all the consumables needed to repair and recycle used toner cartridges.
Amid the problems of serious marine pollution and global warming, our business contributes to the effective use of resources, environmental protection, and reduction of CO2 emissions.
CO2 emissions can be reduced by approximately 3.4 kg per reused toner cartridge.
Click here for details >> [Ministry of the Environment | Fun to Share] https://ondankataisaku.env.go.jp/funtoshare/entry/list/004613_1.html
AJCR (Japan Cartridge Recycling Industry Association) , to which we are a member , is working to grasp and continuously reduce CO2 emissions by quantifying them based on the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method. In recognition of the results, AJCR received the Encouragement Award at the 2018 LCA Japan Forum Awards.
Click here for details >> [AJCR | Environmental Contribution] https://www.ajcr.jp/statistics/co2-reduction/

We are a registered company of "Kanagawa SDGs Partner".
In collaboration with Kanagawa Prefecture, we will carry out activities to promote the spread of SDGs.
Click here for details >> https://www.harabo.co.jp/other/SDGs-kanagawa.html
Our company is certified by "Yokohama City SDGs certification system" Y-SDGs "".
SDGs As a company rooted in the future city of Yokohama, we aim to realize a sustainable society.
Click here for details >> https://www.harabo.co.jp/other/SDGs-yokohama.html

In addition, as a member of AJCR, we are working to popularize reused toner cartridges with the cooperation of member companies.
Click here for details >> [AJCR] https://www.ajcr.jp/

To contribute to the reuse toner cartridge industry, we provide STMC certified training * to companies.
We are working to popularize higher quality reuse toner cartridges.
* Abbreviation for Standardized Test Methods Committee.
A standard test method for measuring the print quality of toner cartridges for laser printers.
Why don't you start working on a sustainable society with reuse toner cartridges?
NO Clone NO Compatible NO Compatible Toner Cartridge
" Clone", "compatible", and "compatible toner cartridge" are the names of toner cartridges manufactured by non-genuine manufacturers.
Since the toner cartridge body is newly molded and other parts are also produced using new parts, it cannot be said to be sustainable.
We recommend using genuine toner cartridges or reuse toner cartridges .
By reusing used cartridges, they will be reborn as reuse toner cartridges with less environmental impact.
The use of reuse toner cartridges is an effective means for a sustainable society that all companies can easily start.
We recommend the use of reused toner cartridges to improve your CSR activities and sustainable social efforts.
For inquiries regarding reused toner cartridges Here
Hara Trading Co., Ltd. Functional parts and products department
4-3-31 Matsumotocho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama
[TEL] 045-317-2251 / [FAX] 045-317-2252
[MAIL] eigyou@harabo.co.jp