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Bee statement

-How we should be-

Our antennas are supple and quickly and sharply grasp the changes of the times.


-Our mission-

We make full use of all networks to provide information and products that "click!" To meet customer needs.


We will create environment-friendly resource saving and labor saving, and contribute to the transformation to a resource-recycling society.

We provide an environment where employees can maximize their potential, and develop human resources who contribute to customers and society by achieving their mission.


-What we are aiming for-

In order to gain the value of existence in society, we must constantly change the paradigm of our business with wisdom, ingenuity, and courage in response to changes in the times and markets, and continue to have the power to change us.

In order to meet the needs of our customers and society, independent employees will continue to take on new challenges with passion and courage, and create their future brightly and happily.

To thank our customers and society for our existence and to create honesty, trust and fairness.

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